Thursday 5 May 2011

Shell Island Hippy Camping Weekend

A gang of us went camping on Shell Island for the bank holiday weekend. We were lucky with the weather - sunshine all round - and we had a great time, sitting around drinking, eating BBQ, singing and playing guitars into the night, camping round the fire. The kids played together and really enjoyed their freedom. The beach was windy but very pleasant on Saturday, and we all caught the sun. Good times.

We went shell collecting on Sunday evening and found some lovely and relatively unusual shells. I'm pretty used to what can be found along the coast of Wales a bit lower down - from Aberystwyth, Borth and Aberdovey, down to Aberaeron, but Shell Island is famous for shells after all, and there were loads of turret shells, small cowries and other finds that put a smile on my face.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Journal continued...

Eddy looks so beautiful when he's asleep, and he's almost impossible to resist when he wanders into our room in the middle of the night and sneaks into our bed. It won't last forever.

Quite like these little sketches of his face, scoffing ice-cream out of a tub in the park.

Word art.

Parents' evening, and we laugh at his teachers' tales. He certainly is smart, and they're blown away by his scientific knowledge. We're smug and proud.

Just the usual diary stuff.

A scrap-book page about Rick and Eddy's all-boy adventures - camping in the freezing rain in April, marvelling over sharp knives, and getting stranded on little islands in the middle of rafting lakes - better that I'm not there to squawk maternal disapproval...